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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

You Know.......Most of the Time I Know What I'm Talking About

Let me state emphatically, that I wish harm to no one-especially Barack Obama. My dear friends at the Booker Rising blog, I believe misunderstood my last blurb/entry. Heck..we conservatives of color must stick together but hey sometimes thoughts get lost in the machine. No doubt, Mr. Obama has made a great first impression ever since he came into the national spotlight during the 2004 Democratic convention. He has all of the trappings of someone who could be president-polished, elegant, youthful and well-educated. And as I alluded to in my previous entry, Obama is a classic moderate-not the social progressive that liberals wish him to be.

Perhaps successfully (or unsuccessfully) conservatives made the term "liberal" a perjorative many moons ago and it would be extremely difficult to get elected under the auspices of conventional liberalism. One could make a strong argument that a liberal in today's lexicon is closer to a Barry Goldwater conservative from yesteryear-if winning an election is the objective. Hopefully the presidential exploratory committee that Obama is forming, gives him the thumbs up to seek the democratic nomination. But as the above video demonstrates-he will have problems, his name notwithstanding. There was already a televised faux pas, confusing Obama with Osama-ewww, that's gotta hurt. So..let's wait to see what ideas, policies and political perspectives Mr. Obama has in store for us. And let's hope that the American public can show that they truly are an enlightened bunch. I'm just not so sure that after the media smoke clears Americans will do what polling indicates.....perchance to dream. Obama entry part three is coming up...hey if Rocky Balboa can do it so can Afronerd.

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