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Monday, March 27, 2006

I Love it When a Plan Comes Together.....

Ok..perhaps I looked at my fair share of 80s television during my formative years, but I do "love it when a plan comes together." This became evident when a colleague and friend (shout out to Jason...a.k.a. Jay-Z..he'll get a kick out of that reference) informed me of yet another article in the op-ed section of this past Sunday's New York Times that provided similar musings to my own (pursuant to the prior blog entry) regarding the current state of African-American men. Take a gander at the article in question:

  • http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/26/opinion/26patterson.html

  • The piece, written by Orlando Patterson provided one glaring remark that essentially encapsulates my personal observations...the pursuit of what some may consider cool in Black urban subculture undertakes an almost "drug-like" effect on African American youth. As I stated previously, the "street", along with all of it's detrimental precepts appears to be a unique oasis for Black youth culture to the exclusion of their white counterparts. White youth through hip hop music and culture, can live their dark fantasies vicariously through Black folk but ultimately it is very real and tangible to people of color.

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