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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Perhaps I'm a bit late...but what the hey

This is my first log entry and although I may be late in highlighting Mr. Graham's Our Kind of People never let it be said that I'm not on time! The general purpose of this blog is to set the tone for alternative Black interests and information. Despite what the American media may lead one to believe, not every aspect of Black life and culture is centered on the alleged hip hop community. Perhaps the greatest tragedy to befall Black folk in the latter part of the 20th century is the commercialization of the Black image. CORRECTION. ONE Black image. An image that usually embodies a ghettocentric paradigm. Our Kind of People, written by Harvard trained attorney, Lawrence Otis Graham is an important book of note because it simply provides sorely needed information for Blacks in the specific and the majority culture in the general. In essence, Our Kind gives a detailed glimpse into the history and present day existence of the Black middle and upper middle class. Our Kind essentially denotes Negroes and their families possessing wealth outside of the sports and entertainment fields. The book also showcases the author's personal fascination and desire to be included in this exclusive monied class of Black folk. However, Our Kind cannot be completely lauded. The book also alludes to intra racial preference and prejudice, including the reprehensible brown paper bag tests which excluded darker skinned Black folk from certain fraternities and social clubs. Nevertheless, would it hurt for people of color to be exposed to the fact that we owned insurance companies, banks, law firms, businesses in the vein of Madame C.J. Walker? Hey it may even make 50 Cent proud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
